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  • Is It Worth Having A Shower In A Campervan?

You’re an adventurous soul, always seeking new experiences on the open road. But as you plan your next campervan adventure, the burning question lingers in your mind: is it worth having a shower in a campervan? Will it add convenience to your travels or just end up being a hassle? In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of having a shower in your campervan, helping you make an informed decision for your next epic journey. So grab a cup of coffee, settle in, and let’s dive into the world of campervan showers.

Is It Worth Having A Shower In A Campervan?

Water Source

Water Tanks

When considering whether or not to have a shower in your campervan, it is important to think about the water source. One option is to install water tanks in your vehicle. These tanks can hold a certain amount of water, allowing you to shower whenever you need to without having to rely on an external source. Water tanks are a convenient and reliable option for those who want to have a shower in their campervan.

External Water Hookup

Another option for obtaining water for your campervan shower is to use an external water hookup. This involves connecting your campervan to a water source, either through a water hose or some other type of connection. This allows you to have a constant supply of water for your shower, but it does require access to a water source nearby. If you plan on spending most of your time in areas with readily available water hookups, this may be a good option for you.

Shower Options

Indoor Shower

If you decide to have a shower in your campervan, you will need to choose between different shower options. One option is to install an indoor shower in your vehicle. This is a more traditional setup, with a showerhead, faucet, and drain. It provides privacy and convenience, allowing you to shower comfortably inside your campervan. An indoor shower can be a great option for those who prioritize convenience and want to have a more home-like experience while on the road.

Outdoor Shower

Another option for a campervan shower is an outdoor shower. This typically involves some type of portable showerhead that can be attached to the exterior of your campervan. Outdoor showers are a popular choice among campers who enjoy being in nature and want to take advantage of the outdoor environment. It provides a refreshing and invigorating experience, allowing you to shower while enjoying the beauty of your surroundings.

Portable Shower

If neither an indoor nor an outdoor shower appeals to you, another option to consider is a portable shower. These can be standalone units that you can set up outside your campervan or handheld showerheads that you can use inside or outside. Portable showers offer flexibility and convenience, allowing you to have a shower wherever and whenever you need it. They are a popular choice among campers who value versatility and want the option to shower both inside and outside their campervan.

Pros of Having a Shower


Having a shower in your campervan offers undeniable convenience. Instead of having to find public showers or rely on the facilities at campgrounds, you can shower whenever you want, wherever you are. This saves you time and effort, allowing you to focus on enjoying your camping experience rather than worrying about finding a place to shower.


Maintaining good hygiene is important, even when you’re on the road. Having a shower in your campervan ensures that you can stay clean and refreshed, even in remote locations. This is especially important if you plan on engaging in outdoor activities or spending extended periods of time in your campervan. A campervan shower allows you to wash away sweat, dirt, and grime, keeping you feeling fresh and comfortable throughout your journey.


Having a shower in your campervan gives you a sense of independence and self-sufficiency. You don’t have to rely on the facilities or amenities provided by others; instead, you have everything you need right in your own vehicle. This can be empowering and liberating, allowing you to have a truly personalized and enjoyable camping experience.

Cons of Having a Shower

Limited Water Supply

One of the drawbacks of having a shower in your campervan is the limited water supply. Water tanks can only hold a certain amount of water, so you may need to be mindful of your water usage when showering. This means taking shorter showers and conserving water as much as possible. If you plan on spending extended periods of time off the grid, you may need to find alternative water sources or ration your water carefully to ensure you have enough for all your needs.

Space Constraints

Installing a shower in your campervan can take up valuable space, especially in smaller vehicles. You will need to consider the layout and design of your campervan to ensure that the shower doesn’t interfere with other living or storage areas. This may require some creative thinking and careful planning to optimize space and make the shower area functional and comfortable.


Like any other feature in your campervan, a shower requires regular maintenance and upkeep. This includes cleaning the shower area, checking for leaks or damage, and ensuring that all components are functioning properly. Neglecting maintenance can lead to issues such as water damage or plumbing problems. It’s important to factor in the time and effort required to keep your campervan shower in good condition when deciding whether or not to have one.

Is It Worth Having A Shower In A Campervan?

Water Conservation Tips

Shorter Showers

To make the most of your limited water supply, it is important to take shorter showers. By reducing the amount of time you spend in the shower, you can conserve water and ensure that you have enough for your other needs. Consider setting a timer or using a water-saving showerhead to help you keep track of your shower time and reduce water consumption.

Use Eco-Friendly Products

Another way to conserve water when showering in your campervan is to use eco-friendly products. Look for biodegradable soaps, shampoos, and conditioners that won’t harm the environment when you rinse them off. This way, you can reuse graywater, which is the water that goes down the drain after showering, for other purposes such as flushing the toilet or watering plants.

Reuse Graywater

Graywater, as mentioned earlier, can be reused for various purposes. Instead of letting it go to waste, consider capturing and storing graywater in a separate container or system. This water can be used for washing dishes, cleaning your campervan, or even watering plants. Recycling graywater helps minimize water waste and reduces your overall environmental impact.

Cost Considerations

Installation Costs

When deciding to have a shower in your campervan, one cost to consider is the installation. If you choose to have an indoor shower, you may need to hire a professional to install the necessary plumbing and fixtures. This can be an additional expense that you need to factor into your budget. However, if you opt for a portable shower or an outdoor shower, installation may be as simple as attaching a showerhead and making sure you have a water source available.

Operational Costs

Another cost to consider is the ongoing operational cost of having a shower in your campervan. This includes the cost of water, as well as any energy needed to heat the water. Depending on your water usage and the frequency of showering, these costs can vary. It’s important to factor in these ongoing expenses when determining if having a shower in your campervan is worth it.

Is It Worth Having A Shower In A Campervan?

Alternatives to Showering

Wet Wipes

If you’re traveling in a campervan without a shower or prefer not to have one, wet wipes can be a practical alternative for maintaining personal hygiene. These wipes are convenient, portable, and can easily freshen you up when you don’t have access to a shower. They are especially useful for quick cleaning of the body and face, and they can be a lifesaver during camping trips or when on the road.

Campground Showers

One alternative to having a shower in your campervan is to rely on campground showers. Many campgrounds offer shower facilities that are available to campers. These showers are typically shared among campers and may have limited privacy, but they often provide more space and a more comfortable showering experience than what you may have in your campervan. This can be a cost-effective option for those who don’t want to invest in a campervan shower or who prefer the convenience of using shared facilities.

Gym Memberships

If you’re a full-time camper or someone who spends a significant amount of time on the road, a gym membership can be another alternative to having a shower in your campervan. Many gyms offer showering facilities that are available to members. Having a gym membership not only gives you access to showers but also provides you with the opportunity to exercise and take advantage of additional amenities. This option can be particularly beneficial for those who prioritize fitness and enjoy working out while on their travel adventures.

Considerations for Full-time Campers

Frequency of Use

For full-time campers who live in their campervans, the frequency of shower use is an important consideration. If you plan on showering daily or multiple times a day, having a shower in your campervan may be more convenient and cost-effective than relying on external sources. However, if you don’t anticipate using the shower frequently, it may be more practical to consider alternative options.

Campervan Layout

The layout of your campervan also plays a crucial role in determining whether or not to have a shower. Smaller campervans with limited space may not be able to accommodate a shower without sacrificing other essential features. Consider the overall layout and design of your campervan and how a shower would fit into the space available. Additionally, consider the impact on storage and living areas, as the addition of a shower may require rearranging your campervan’s interior.

Is It Worth Having A Shower In A Campervan?

Personal Preferences

Individual Hygiene Habits

Another factor to consider when deciding whether or not to have a shower in your campervan is your individual hygiene habits. Some people may feel uncomfortable or unclean without a proper shower, while others may be perfectly fine with alternatives like wet wipes or campground showers. Consider your personal preferences and how important a dedicated campervan shower is to you.

Travel Style

Your travel style can also influence whether or not having a shower in your campervan is worth it. If you prefer to spend most of your time off the grid or in remote locations, having a shower in your campervan can provide a significant level of convenience and independence. However, if you primarily stay at campgrounds or other facilities that offer showering options, the need for a campervan shower may be less important.


In conclusion, deciding whether or not to have a shower in your campervan requires careful consideration of various factors. The water source, shower options, pros, and cons, water conservation tips, cost considerations, alternatives to showering, considerations for full-time campers, personal preferences, and travel style all play a role in making this decision. Ultimately, it comes down to your individual needs, preferences, and priorities. While a campervan shower offers convenience, hygiene, and independence, there are also limitations and costs to consider. By weighing these factors and considering your unique circumstances, you can determine if having a shower in your campervan is worth it for you.

Is It Worth Having A Shower In A Campervan?

About the Author Rob Flynn

I'm the admin behind CampervanCosmos, the ultimate online resource for anyone interested in campervan living, travel, and work. As an enthusiast myself, I know the intricacies and joys of this lifestyle inside out. That's why I've created this one-stop-shop where you can find in-depth answers to all your questions about campervan use, maintenance, and lifestyle. From power management to securing against theft, I cover it all. I also provide recommendations for campervan-related products and address the challenges of living and working on the road. Trust CampervanCosmos to unlock the highway of adventure for you!

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